
Showing posts from October, 2021

Vein treatment: Varicose Veins and a Gentle Cure (VNUS)

 Varicose veins are the type of venous insufficiency which is caused by the malfunctioning of single-way valves that help transportation of blood to the heart. When the process is obstructed due to certain issues, the blood starts pooling inside the veins making them superficial. They may be seen in red or purple colors just below the skin surface of the leg or face.  Varicose veins may cause severe pain and discomfort if left untreated for a long time. They can lead to  DVT(Deep Vein Thrombosis) or leg ulcers.  VNUS Closure procedure: The following procedure is categorized under minimally invasive treatment which is an alternative vein treatment option for patients suffering from venous reflux disease that eventually convert into varicose veins. Moreover, it is an outpatient procedure that means patients can resume their normal activities just after the treatment.  What is Superficial Venous Reflux? Human legs consist of a large network of veins. No...

Vein Treatments; What Are The Most Effective Ones?

  What are Varicose and Spider Veins? Varicose and Spider Veins are types of vein disorders, which can be unpleasant pain and uncomfortable, not to mention also embarrassing, conditions. “ Varicose veins ” appear as bulging, purplish veins that often appear in the legs. They are the result of inefficiencies in the valves in the veins. The valves are in place to prevent blood from flowing backward. When the veins do not work properly, blood is allowed to flow backward and pool in the vein. This often results in a bulging appearance and is called varicose veins. “ Spider veins ” do not bulge from the skin and are not considered a medical problem, but can be just as embarrassing. They too are evident through the skin and can be noticed purplish in color. While they do not cause pain or discomfort, many still seek treatment to get rid of their appearance. So if you notice visible veins in your legs, it is often a good idea to see your doctor determine if they are varicose or spider...

Vein Treatment: Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) For Varicose.

 Are you aware of the fact that sixty percent of leg ulcers are caused by varicose veins? Some people do not consider it a serious health concern. They want to eliminate them due to cosmetic reasons. With time they can cause serious medical issues. It has been observed that about fifty percent of people with inflammation tend to have leg ulcers.   Luckily, there are lots of treatments that involve several nonsurgical options but RFA is considered the best one.  Radiofrequency ablation (RFA): It is a minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins. Ablation refers to the process in which a doctor uses heat energy to damage a diseased tissue and convert it into scar form. This scar tissue closes the vein eventually. This method is based on radiofrequency energy to transmit directly into the diseased tissue in order to maintain a healthy blood flow. This process seals the varicose veins in the legs.  Procedure: In order to deal with varicose veins, your v...